This project was part of a wider partnership between &us and HP.
How it started:
We initiated the project with a series of workshops aimed at gaining a deeper insight into their workflows and the stakeholders involved, effectively identifying pain points and areas of opportunity within the team.
How it evolved:
-Daily co-creation sessions and workshops
-Creating and testing prototypes
-Building capability + instilling confidence across research + design
-Running 30+ user testing sessions
-Building out 21 Design Thinking template activities
-Creating a website focusing on the 6 stages of Design Thinking
Our impact (on individuals):
-We've built loads of confidence and gave individuals the opportunity to practice new skills
-We've brightened days by encouraging cameras on, conversations and lighthearted fun and just being good people to work with.
Our impact (on the organisation):
-Raised the standards by delivering high quality work quickly and telling good stories
-Established tools and best practices for teams to follow and lean on
-Helped large teams make decisions quickly (eg: 20 people aligning on a new service in 3 weeks)